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Temple of Kali - a transformative new moon women's circle ceremony

Sat, Mar 13


Online Event

Workshop with Yoga, Chanting, Embodiment Practices, Storytelling, Shadow Work and Integration

Registration is Closed
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Temple of Kali - a transformative new moon women's circle ceremony
Temple of Kali - a transformative new moon women's circle ceremony

Time & Location

Mar 13, 2021, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Online Event

About the Event


The Power of Liberation and Transformation

Dear Sister,

I invite you on a journey deep within..

This moon cycle, our practices we will focus on embodying Kali.

Kali is our inner wild woman – the force in us that draws the line and sets boundaries. She is the wild power of the feminine that will not be tamed, domesticated, or shut down. Kali Shakti gives us the strength to say no, she gives us the power to have a breakthrough inside any part of ourselves where we deeply desire change.

Kali Shakti is the strongest force of ecstasy we can feel in our bodies. She is the aspect of goddess that manifests as kundalini shakti, the living rising power of the feminine that we can embody when we desire a breakthrough. We can call on her to help us to dissolve what stands in the way of rising into our soul power, and birthing our magnificence.

To embody her requires a deep humility of facing ones’s own shadow, being compassionate and humble enough to be with ourselves as we are and take responsibility for our lives.

There are many different stories about the Hindu goddess Kali Ma, and she is often thought of as something to be afraid of: a goddess of death and violence.

Kali isn’t about death or evil. She is about transformation, and as the counterpart of Shiva the destroyer she brings death to ego and attachment, not physical death or war.

She brings death and transformation that creates enlightenment and freedom. She can also be seen as fierce, divine feminine, warrior energy, a manifestation of Shakti.

She can be scary because she brings change. She’s asking you to up level, to evolve. And your ego never wants to be released. It wants to stay in control and run the show.

She reminds us that everything in life is a cycle: the old must be cleared out for the new to come in. Change brings your evolution. Birth and death are natural cycles of life, and we must allow them to happen.

When to connect with Kali: 

When you’re stuck in fear and attachment, call on Kali.

When you’re afraid to move out of your comfort zone, to step into the unknown and into mystery, she’s your goddess.

When you’re afraid to stand in your power, call on Kali.

When you’re struggling to release that which you know you need to release, call on Kali.

In this workshop we will flow through a shakti yoga class - emotional release breathwork - shadow integration - transformative new moon ceremony - planting seeds for this new moon cycle - sharing and chanting .

I can't wait to welcome you into the temple of kali. 

After you bought you ticket, you will recieve a zoom meeting link at the day of the event.

Om Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundaye Viche Swaha

All my love, Joy 


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